お待たせしました!ついに feather for Mastodon の正式リリースです!! #feather
I wrote too much about last week's discovery of the (first?) 0-day RCE in an ACME client, along with what you should know about ACME clients and servers: https://matt.life/writing/the-acme-protocol-in-practice-and-reality
(I won't publish this link more widely until tomorrow morning to give a chance for early feedback. Since I have almost no audience here, y'all get the sneak peek.)
これがほしかったんよ / 2件のコメント https://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/s/marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ipatalas.vscode-postfix-ts#utm_campaign=bs_tw “TS/JS postfix completion - Visual Studio Marketplace” (3 users) https://htn.to/tpS4dP71bR
Admin of mdn.hinaloe.net
Tw: @hnle0
ログインせずにPTLをみるやつ: https://m6n-view.hnle.tk